Sunday, December 20, 2009

Acoustic Guitar Lessons

Repairing Acoustic Guitars
by Tyler Ziggler
I need to explain something that is easy for me to show you how you can repair a guitar when it gets damaged. I think all people try to look after when they first get it because it is something of value, but it doesn't seem to matter what you do because you end up with dents and scratches on it. A lot of people assume that they're going to have to invest a lot of hard work into getting this fixed. I even had people asking me about getting a new guitar, which would cost hundreds. That is completely false and you can repair your guitar with very little time invested.
I will start with dents first. People often tell me that they need to sand the guitar down to fix this, but that isn't true. You're not deprived of wood on the guitar. It's just very dense at one fine point on the guitar. All you have to do is expand and pop it out to get back to the original look. Doing this may seem a bit difficult, but it is really easy if you know how to do it the right way. If you put a drop of water on the problem area of the guitar, the water will be absorbed by the wood and it will expand in area.
Scratches are quick to repair. Essentially when you get a scratch, you have the the varnish finish with a scratch and that is what makes it look bad. If you can fill in the finish, you get a perfect looking guitar. All you need is clear nail polish that will permeate in the damaged area and give you the original look of your guitar.
Discover all the different Acoustic Guitar Straps that you could have on your guitar.

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