Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Using a Professional Music Producer

Using a Professional Music Producer
by Greg Wilson
A professional music producer can take your music production from average run of the mill flatness to top a shelf I just have to have a copy in my collection feeling. Let’s face it. Anyone with a computer can turn out song after boring song that technically could be considered great. The levels can be hot, the bass can be right there in your chest and the kick can thump you where it hurts. And yet when you listen to it you feel like you’ve been robbed. Even GREAT songs can suffer from lack luster production.
But on the reverse of that, if you take a great producer that knows how to use the tweaks that make things come alive. They can take an average or even sub par tune and add the glimmer to make the song a shiny and glossy radio friendly hit. If you don’t think that is possible, take a listen to a lot of the things on almost any top-40 radio station and you can see how some production magic can take a poor song with relatively obnoxious lines that seem to repeat endlessly and run the boring diva want to be vocals through some pro tools plug ins and you have a smash hit.
Then dust off a copy of “This Boy” by the Beatles. George Martin took a very simple arrangement of a song, gave Ringo the treatment and glitzed it up a little and you have a good song made great with talent and not with production. That is precisely what a professional music producer can do for you and your music.
I’m not saying that a sixteen year-old teen queen shouldn’t be recording hit singles. I am noting that there is a lot of non life lessons there that were popped up to make a hit that is boring. The other example grabs you and lets the producer shine through and is memorable.
So what can you do to get that kind of production on your material? That is precisely where places like myMusicCircle some into play. You can go on there and peruse the available producers or even post your own ad for a professional music producer and let the multi talented production folks out there across the world bid for the chance to produce your next platinum hit.
Life is wonderful isn’t it? You can stay there safe in your home and let the world come to you.
Greg Wilson is a prominent creative writer and music veteran with over 20 years of music industry professional experience. His knowledge and expertise extends from all aspects of the music industry including production, audio and video, promotion, music business strategy, music industry philosophy and music industry economics.

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