Sunday, December 20, 2009

Online Giutar Lessons

Learn to play guitar like Eric Clapton
by Alan Richards
The easiest way to learn how to play songs is to look them up on sites that have what is called “Guitar Tabs”. It’s much easier than learning how to play notes, but if you want to write your own songs, reading and being farmiliar with the notes and scales is a must. The best site I use is Reading tabs is easy: start with an easy song, like a Nirvana song, and simply play the numbered fret on the drawing. For instance: if it says 2 on the bottom line, then you put your finger on the second fret up on the lowest string and pick. It’s all about counting your frets up. Eventually, with practice, you wont need to count. You’ll know the numbers based off of the symbols labeled on the specific frets that are usually 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21, and 24. Some may go higher. If 2 strings on the tab are labeled with numbers above or below each other without any space to the left or right of them, then you hit all of those frets and pick those specific strings. Hitting many strings at once is called a chord. Most are power chords, with frets right around each other. Real chords use either 4, 5, or all of the strings and are more difficult to play. But they sound much different.
There are also techniques where you fret on a lower fret, pick, and then very quickly slide your finger up to the designated string without releasing it. Thats called a slide. Another is where you pick a fret, then bend the string up or down with your finger while keeping it presses against the fretboard, or the part of the guitar you press the strings against. It slightly raises the pitch of the fret you picked. Palm muting is another good one, used in metal with distortion effects on electric guitars alot. It’s where you use the bottom palm of your picking hand (or strumming hand) to press lightly against the very bottom of the strings your picking, or strumming. It’s a unique sound, and tends to be used on and off at fast intervals.
Well, that’s the basics. Now, take your guitar and look up some righteous songs on guitar tabs sites and rock out. Woo! Metallica!

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